viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2019


Thanksgiving is a federal holiday in the United States, celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.Taylor, our conversation assistant , teach us about thanksgiving history, traditions, most famous parade and typical food through video, explanations , vocabulary games and funny Thanksgiving crafts!!

Acción de gracias es un fiesta nacional en Estados Unidos , que se celebra el último jueves de noviembre. Taylor, nuestra auxiliar de conversación, nos ha enseñado la historia, tradiciones, desfiles más famosos y comida típica de estas fechas a través de videos, explicaciones apoyadas en una presentación con  power point,  juegos de vocabulario y divertidas manualidades de acción de gracias.

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2019




head,hair, face, nose, ear, eye, mouth, teeth, neck, hand, finger, arm, elbow, knee, shoulder, back, foot, toe, leg, cheek, eyebrows and lips.

First we present the vocabulary with this Flashcards


Then we play a body parts Bingo using vocabulary cards and bingo cards.


We have had so much fun!



cabeza, cabello, cara, nariz, oreja, ojo, boca, dientes, cuello, mano, dedo, brazo, codo, rodilla, hombro, espalda, pie, dedo del pie, pierna, mejilla, cejas y labios. 


Primero presentamos el vocabulario a través de  Flashcards y después  jugamos al  bingo de las partes del cuerpo mostrando las tarjetas de vocabulario aleatoriamente usando  y poniendo una ficha sobre la imagen que corresponda en su  tarjetas de bingo.

¡Nos hemos divertido mucho!


Our students have made different crafts related to Halloween using recycling material and lots of imagination.

Our school has been decorated with vampires, pumpkins, monsters and skeletons.

It has been terrifyingly fun!

Nuestros estudiantes han hecho diferentes manualidades relacionadas con Halloween usando material de reciclaje y mucha imaginación.    

 Nuestra escuela ha sido  decorada con vampiros, calabazas, monstruos y esqueletos.     

 ¡Ha sido terroríficamente divertido!


A plant has many parts. Different parts perform different functionalities.

In order for students to recognize the differents parts of a plant and their functions we are going to make differents activities . 


In pairs the students read the text and find the functions of the differents parts of a plant  and match them.


Then they paste them in their notebooks

Finally we will review the contents with kahoot!

Plant parts 1 kahoot!

Plant parts 2 Kahoot!



Flowers are the reproductive organs of the flowering plant.

The main structures of a flower include:
  • Sepal - The sepal is a support structure for the petal. It is typically green and helps to protect and hold up the petal. All the sepals together are called the calyx.
  • Petal - The petals are the bright colorful leaves of the flower. The petals are often bright and colorful in order to attract insects that help with pollination. All of the petals together are called the corolla.
  • Stamen - The stamen is the part of the flower that produces pollen. There are two main parts of the stamen: the filament and anther.
  • Filament - The filament is the stalk that holds the anther.
  • Anther - The anther is made up of lobes that attach to the filament. These lobes hold sacs which contain pollen.
  • Pistil - The pistil is the female part of the flower. It contains the carpel and the stigma.
  • Stigma - The stigma is the area where pollen is received. The stigma may be located at the end of a stalk called the style.
  •  Ovary of the flower and contains ovules which are potential seeds. 

To recognize the differents parts of a flower and their functions in plants reproduction we  will do the following activities:

 1.-Read the parts and their functions in this  Presentation

2.- Make a worksheet in our interactive notebook.

3.-  We review with this  Quiz about parts of a flower.